A Marriage Made in Heaven
1 Peter 3:1-7
Preface: The Bigger Picture of Marriage
- How does a Christian wife relate to an unbelieving husband ->specific focus of verses 1-6
Let's go back to the beginning: Gen 2:18-25 The purpose of marriage was invented by God. It is not a man-made idea. Marriage is ordained by God.
- For an intimate, satisfying relationship. God created marriage for us to have an intimate partner. Women were created to be an equal helper. Man needs a helpmate. Woman is comparable to man -- a counterpart, opposite and complimentary. The relationship is to be second only to your relationship with God. Sin has upset that intimacy.
v.24 - a man's job is to pursue his mate
Matt 19:6 what God has put together, let no man separate. - To raise children who will love God. Deut 6:4-9, esp. v.7. Children are also God's idea. The family is the foundation of any nation.
- Your witness before the world. Marriage is intended to be a reflection of the love of God for us and to the world.
Eph 5:31-33 -- our model is Christ's relationship with the church.
Both people in the marriage need to submit themselves fully to God. Then mutual submission (to each other). That relationship is what the children will see and desire in a good marriage.
Next week: Eph 5 and 1 Peter 3